MUT - Green City

Drinking Water Treatment

According the Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation by WHO and UNICEF (2012), there are currently 780 million people without access to an improved drinking water source. Therefore procurement of drinking water from surface water and seawater is often the only way to cover the water demand particularly in developing countries and dry areas.

M-U-T is very pleased to offer know-how and experience in water treatment, especially in these areas and provides technologies and solutions to reach the target of supplying drinking water in sufficient quantity and impeccable quality.

Depending on the different water sources, standard processes have been established. However, these methods of water treatment have to be flexible according the variability of water quality and local conditions. The processes and technologies of M-U-T meet these requirements and result in economically and ecologically sustainable solutions according the individual situation.

The following processes and technologies are used for water treatment of groundwater, water from rivers or the desalination of sea and brackish water.

  • Chemical Dosing 
  • Flocculation / Sedimentation
  • Filtration
  • RO (Reverse Osmosis)
  • Oxidation / Disinfection