MUT - Green City

Waste Water Treatment

Sewerage and waste water treatment is an important contribution to maintain the natural balance and functionality of our ecosystem, which is crucial for the protection of our water resources. According WHO (2012) currently 2.5 billion people lack satisfactory sanitation.

Through many years of experiences in sewerage treatment and latest research findings, M-U-T can offer solutions for the treatment of municipal and industrial waste water. Whether for compact-sewage plants up to 1000 PE in containers or for large scale wastewater treatment plants, our engineers will adopt an appropriate combination of technologies and processes, thus the required effluent quality can be guaranteed.

The wastewater is treated mechanical, biological and chemical while taking advantage of using the following processes and technologies depending on the individual requirements.

  • Activated Sludge Process
  • SEWACONT® (Container Sewage Plant)
  • SEWACOMP (Compact Sewage Plant)
  • SEWA SDP Process
  • SBR (Sequence Batch Reactor)
  • MESH (Dynamic Filtration)
  • MBR (Membrane Bio-Reactor)
  • Filtration
  • Disinfection